Nautilus Restaurant

Address: 17 Murphy Street, Port Douglas
Photos courtesy of Nautilus Restaurant.

Distance from the Newport on Macrossan : 10 meters walk to the right of The Newport, look for the hidden meandering pathway up to the restaurant.

Type of Cuisine: Five Star Provincial Tropical Australian Cuisine

Description: A symbol of Port Douglas, the Nautilus Restaurant is 56 years old and is famous for its five star cuisine and five star service.

The menu was originally and still is today developed around the natural flavours of the tropics.

Some of the signature dishes including the whole coral trout were first sampled in the 1970’s by many famous diners including Sir Lawrence Olivier, Vivian Leigh, Rupert Murdoch, Gough Whitlam and Paul Hogan. In 1996, even Bill and Hilary Clinton tasted the tropical delights on offer.

Nautilus Restaurant Port Douglas is committed to providing every guest with an intimate, elegant tropical outdoor dining experience.

The unique ambiance of the restaurant is in part a result of the towering coconut palms, where the fronds and stars provide the only ceiling to speak of.

Average Cost:

  • A La Carte Menu $ 70 – $150 average
  • 6 Course Tasting Menu $105 food only + $50 for 6 matching wines
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